Curry Chicken Recipe

Ingredients for Curry Chicken Recipe

Curry Chicken Recipe

  • 2 peeled potatoes
  • 2  onions, peeled and cut into portions
  • A small handful of shallots, coarsely chopped (your preference)
  • 2 cartons of coconut milk
  • Wet chicken curry paste (can be substituted with a blended mixture of 5 tablespoons of curry powder, 5 garlic cloves, 5 bueh keras)
  • Cut up and marinated chicken legs (with 3 tablespoons of curry powder and 2 tablespoons of salt)
  • A bunch of curry leaves
  • Slightly smashed lemon grass (2 stalks)

Curry Chicken Recipe Instructions

  1. Heat up 125ml of oil and fry shallots in a hot wok until it is golden.
  2. Add in the curry paste and keep stirring for about 5 minutes or so
  3. Stir fry the marinated chicken pieces until half cooked
  4. Add in the potatoes, onions, lemon grass and curry leaves and stir for a few minutes
  5. Pour in three-quarters of the coconut milk
  6. Boil the mixture and turn the heat to medium to simmer the curry for around half an hour. During the 30 minutes, stir to prevent burning
  7. Add a little bit of water every 10 minutes or so
  8. After the curry is done, pour in the remaining coconut milk and season it with salt
  9. Serve with the prata

Watch a video on how to make curry chicken

Visit our Roti Prata Recipe page to learn how to make prata.

By Miansari66 (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

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