Roti Prata Recipe

Ingredients for Roti Prata Recipe

Roti Prata Recipe

These are the ingredients you will need for roti prata. 
  • 400g flour, sifted
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Dash of sugar
  • 125ml hot water
  • 60ml milk
  • 180g of ghee (or butter if you want it really buttery)
Note: Curry recipe can be found here

Roti Prata Recipe Instructions

  1. Mix the salt and flour together
  2. Rub ghee or butter into the flour
  3. Add hot water, sugar and milk and mix well
  4. When the mixture is not too hot, knead into a smooth dough
  5. Divide into 10 smaller portions (roll into ball shape)
  6. Cover and leave them for 1-2 hours
  7. Lightly oil the pan and your palms and flatten the ball of dough, then use your fingers to thin the dough into a sheet
  8. Fry in the pan until both sides are crispy and brown
  9. Serve with curry and/or sugar

Watch a prata chef make it for a better idea

The professional method is slightly more difficult but you can always try

This recipe does not include curry. You can visit our curry chicken recipe page for a basic curry to go with the prata.

By Johnleemk at en.wikipedia [CC-BY-2.5 (], from Wikimedia Commons

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